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Sources for More Information

Bulletin #13: Trees for Wildlife

Few topics in the field of urban forestry have more literature and other sources of excellent material than the topic of wildlife. Here are just a few that you will find helpful.


Landscaping for Wildlife by Carrol L. Henderson (144 pp.) We call this the one book to buy if you can buy only one. It is a publication of the Minnesota Dept. of Natural of Resources and covers wildlife from butterflies to wood ducks. It is detailed, comprehensive and beautifully illustrated. Available from Minnesota’s Bookstore.

Minnesota’s Bookstore
660 Olive St.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: 800-657-3757

  • The Wildlife Gardener’s Guide by Janet Marinelli (Brooklyn Botanic Garden)
  • Attracting Birds to Your Backyard: 536 Ways to Create a Haven for Your Favorite Birds by Sally Roth (Rodale Organic Gardening Books)
  • Attracting Butterflies & Hummingbirds to Your Backyard: Watch Your Garden Come Alive With Beauty on the Wing by Sally Roth (Rodale Organic Gardening Books)
  • The Secrets of Backyard Bird-Feeding Success: Hundreds of Surefire Tips for Attracting and Feeding Your Favorite Birds by Deborah L. Martin

Booklets & Leaflets

Most state extension offices have publications about attracting wildlife in their state or region. Many are available in printed form or downloadable online. Here is just one example that focuses on attracting wildlife to windbreaks in the Great Plains States:

  • Windbreaks and Wildlife by Ron J. Johnson, Mary Beck and James R. Brandle.
  • Animal Inn Information Handbook

  • Fast Links to Some Key Organizations

    Last Updated: 03/25/19

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