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You Can Help Your Local School

If you represent a community forestry program, a college or university, or a tree-focused nonprofit organization, you can help schools in your community achieve Tree Campus K–12 recognition by sharing resources, helping to facilitate, or simply providing guidance on activities that could include:

  • Providing exposure to careers in urban and community forestry through classroom presentation or field trips.
  • Connecting classrooms to local volunteer planting opportunities.
  • Helping local schools investigate and inventory their campus tree canopy.
  • Helping local schools explore their community’s tree canopy.
  • Guiding local schools in planting or maintaining the trees on their campus.
  • Serving as an occasional source of expertise on native/local tree care.
  • Delivering any existing youth programs your organization or city operates to participating schools that wish to incorporate your program into their fulfillment of the goals.
  • Celebrating Arbor Day together.

Looking for a quick overview of the program?

Download downloadour Tree Campus K–12 flyer

What’s in it for you?

With a new way to get schools more involved in community trees, you may gain new interest in any existing youth programs your city or organization operates. You may also earn more opportunities to define how your staff and volunteers can engage with local schools. Finally, Tree City USA communities and Tree Campus USA colleges and universities can enjoy the added benefit of joining forces with a Tree Campus K–12 school to fulfill their shared program goal of observing Arbor Day.

Tree Campus K-12 is an Arbor Day Foundation Program in collaboration with:

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